Project GREEN encourages educational events in the Wash, which includes Bird and Plant life identification walks, Astronomy nights, Hydrology and Aquatic life discussions, and special events, such as the popular Bat Identification night.
Project GREEN volunteer days includes many of the tasks needed for the maintenance of the Wash. Activities include trail maintenance, interpretive sign replacement, litter removal, and removal of non-native vegetation.
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Pittman Wash serves a primary role as a water channel, yet has long served passive recreational, educational, and environmental roles, as well. Perennial surface flows in the water channel enhance conservation values and provide conservation functions, including native vegetation and wildlife habitat support, which, in turn, also supports a high species diversity.
Project GREEN: Friends of Pittman Wash, with the assistance of hundreds of community volunteer individuals and groups, has enhanced the many opportunities for the discovery and enjoyment of nature, solitude, quiet, and passive recreation in a safe neighborhood environment through the installation of miles of trails within Pittman Wash, educational kiosks at its trailheads, interpretive and directional signage along its trails, rest areas with benches, and pet waste stations.
The Parks and Recreation Department of the City of Henderson has contributed the paved Pittman Wash Trail on top of the banks of Pittman Wash, along with landscaping, educational kiosks, interpretive signage, way stations or overlook areas, picnic tables, benches, and lighting.
High community use of Pittman Wash by residents, including the following groups, has been documented:
· Hikers
· Fitness walkers
· Joggers
· Dog walkers
· Bicyclists
· Parents and children
· Students and teachers
· Birders
· Conservation enthusiasts
· Sightseers
· Nature enthusiasts
· Individuals and groups performing service projects
President -- Susan Ritter
Founder & Past President -- Curt Chandler
Vice President -- Evelyn Gajowski
Secretary -- Penny Walter
Treasurer -- Harvey Berenberg
Civil Engineer -- Curt Chandler
Grants -- Sherry May
Interpretive Signs -- Kristine Lowe-Martin
Master Gardener -- Susan Ritter
Membership -- Teresa Bell
Trail Maintenance -- Pier Martin
Volunteers -- Kristine Lowe-Martin
Wetlands Biologist -- Larry Lodwick
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